This is UltimateRPA Documentation

1 About UltimateRPA Management Console

UltimateRPA Management Console is a web app used to display various measurements (entities) sent from robotic scripts. The Console displays them in a tree structure in the way they are sent from the individual schedulers and the tasks they are running.

2 App login

Figure 6 Console – App login

You can log in to the app using the administrator account created during installation. To log in as this user, enter the username admin and the password admin. After you have logged in successfully for the first time, we recommend changing the password.

3 License selection

Figure 7 Console – License selection

After you log in for the first time, the app will ask for the license type. You can either enter a commercial license or continue to use the app with a non-commercial license.

3.1 I would like a non-commercial license

Use of a non-commercial license is limited by a licensing agreement. After selecting “Continue with a license for non-commercial use”, you can start using the non-commercial product license immediately. In this case, the license selection dialog box will be displayed every time you log in to the app. The bottom right of the screen will also indicate that a non-commercial license is in use.

Figure 3 Console – Notification of the use of a non-commercial license

After clicking on this notification, you can call up a dialog box listing the license type and the licensee.

Figure 4 Console – Registration dialog box

In addition, by selecting Register license, you can go to the license selection and registration dialog box. More information on how to obtain a commercial license can be found in chapter License and Registration.

Figure 5 Console – Notification of the use of a commercial license

After a commercial license has been entered, the license notification changes to grey and contains the name of the licensee. After clicking on the notification, additional license details can be displayed.

Figure 6 Console – Commercial license detail

You can use Deregister license to switch back to a non-commercial license at any time. Once you have logged in, the app has up to four pages (depending on the user’s role). You can switch between them using the navigation bar in the upper-left corner of the app.

Overview of app pages:

  • Settings: App settings.
  • Users: User management.
  • Overview: The page on which the measurement trees themselves can be found.
  • Logout: Quit the app.

4 App settings

Figure 7 Console – Navigation bar, app settings tab

4.1 SMTP server settings

This is a setup section where you can set the parameters required for the proper functioning of notifications. SMTP server parameters are set here. The SMTP server is then used to send notification emails.

Figure 8 Console – SMTP server settings
  • Host: SMTP server address.
  • Port: The port on which the server is running.
  • Username: SMTP server login.
  • Password: Password used to log in to SMTP.
  • SMTP Encryption: Security used when communicating with the SMTP server.

For changes in settings to be incorporated, the settings need to be saved using the button at the end of the form.

4.2 Notification settings test

Figure 9 Console – Notification settings test

In this settings section, you can verify whether the SMTP server has been properly configured and the alert dispatch feature will work. After you enter an email address and confirm, the app will send the following test email to the address entered:

Subject: The test measurement status is NODATA
NODATA since 2018-06-12T15:44:08.077

4.3 Email template settings

Figure 10 Console – Email notification templates

This setting section allows you to set the subject and body of the email that is to be sent as a notification.

4.4 Scheduler settings

Figure 11 Console – Setting a Scheduler password

The password to be used by scheduler to send data to the Console is set here.

5 User management

Figure 12 Console – Navigation bar, user creation tab

The user with administrator rights can access this section by clicking on the Users tab.

Figure 13 Console – List of users created in the app

App users can be added and removed here. User roles are also assigned here. These roles may be:

  • user (it has a black icon in front of the name in the user list)
    • has the right to track values sent from robotic scripts.
  • admin (it has a red icon in front of the name in the user list)
    • has the right to track values sent from robotic scripts.
    • has the right to delete records sent from robotic scripts.
    • has the right to add and delete users in the app.

The admin user can add a new user by pressing Create. Users can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon.

Figure 14 Console – Add new user dialog box

6 Displaying measurement results

Figure 15 Console – Navigation bar, measurement results tab

6.1 Writing measurement results

The measurement results are written by the robot via write_measure in a directory that needs to be set up in the Scheduler app. The robot checks the contents of this directory at regular intervals and sends the measurement results to the Console. After sending the results, it deletes them from the directory.

After logging in to the application, you can see the individual measurement results after switching to the "Overview" tab. The measurement results are arranged into a tree, where all the leaves are descended from the root of the tree. The name of the tree root is always defined by the name of the Scheduler task, and the individual leaves are named according to the name parameter used to write data via write_measure.

The measurement leaves are filled automatically with the measurements received. Leaves can be deleted manually. All of a tree’s leaves can be hidden by clicking on the tree root.

6.2 Measurement line detail

The following figure shows a measurement detail, describing the individual parts and controls.

Figure 16 Console – Measurement line with a description
Number Description
1 Measurement status This is the status with which the measurement has ended.
Status value from the write_measure function.
2 Measurement name Name of actual measurement.
Name value from the write_measure function.
3 Detailed measurement description Information describing what the actual measurement result was.
Description value from the write_measure function.
4 Actual measurement value Value from the write_measure function.
5 Measurement unit Unit value from the write_measure function.
6 Measurement date When the actual measurement was taken.
7 Measurement history Possibility of going back to historical measurement values.
8 Notifications Notification settings
9 Deletion of line with measurement

All possible values that the measurement status may have can be found in the table.

Icon Description

The worst measurement status below the tree root is propagated in the tree root. In other words, the tree root’s status depends on the worst measurement below it (the lower the measurement in the table below, the worse it is). NO_DATA is a status that cannot be written via write_measure. This status occurs automatically when the measurement data is no longer valid.

6.3 User actions with the measurement tree

Icon Description Action Description
Measurement history Display historical measurement value.
Notification settings Setting the notification to the measurement status.
After the notification has been confirmed, the envelope changes to black.
Deletion of measurement record Deletion of line with measurement.

6.3.1 Measurement history

Figure 17 Console – Historical measurement values

Historical measurement values can be obtained after clicking on the chart icon. The history opens in a new dialog box.

6.3.2 Notification settings

Notifications can be set above each measurement and the statuses needed can be selected here. Clicking on the envelope icon opens the email notification settings form.

Notification settings example

When the next record with this measurement (identifier) comes up and the status set in the notification is met, an email will be sent to the user. The email appearance can be defined in the app settings. After the notification has been confirmed, the envelope turns black.

Figure 18 Console – Notifications enabled

Example of email delivered

Subject: Measurement status The current batch processing status is INFO
Measurement status The current batch processing status at 2018-02-05T15:12:48 is SUCCESS, comments: Additional information

6.3.3 Delete measurement record

Measurement records can be removed after clicking on the trash icon. Before the deletion is performed, a dialog box appears requiring confirmation of the deletion.

Figure 19 Console – Measurement removal dialog box

6.4 Measurement writing example

An example of a Python expression for the writing of measurements from the figure. The fifth parameter, which has a value of 744, tells us that the value written will be valid for 744 minutes. If no further measurement with the same identifier comes up by then, the status will be no data.

import urpa
def main():
urpa.write_measure("Process completion ", "SUCCESS", 0, "%",744,"Additional information")

The result written in the file then looks like this.

{"task":{"id":"42bd9167-23a1-4ad8-9a4f-2882ebe67dbc","name":"py"},"measure":{"id":"Process completion ","name":"Process completion ","timestamp":"2018-06-08T11:50:10Z","validity":"2018-06-08T12:00:00Z","tolerance":744,"payload":{"status":"SUCCESS","value":0,"unit":"%","description":"Additional information"}}}

The data will be sent to the Console and displayed as follows:

Figure 20 Console – Line of values written via the script